I wish all the success to the students…wish all their dreams come true

Shri Sant Ram (SSR)College of Education began with a dream of a man to create an institution where students would be educated to actualize their potentials and succed as human beings ...

During his academics in 1980’s Sh. A.K. Bhardwaj dream of establishing his own college as he realize that a lot of work needs to be done in the academics and values of our education system. Thus at that time due to unavailability of resources he kept the dream in his heart. As the time passes he nourish and protect his dream and vision.

In 2007 there comes a time when his thoughts, dreams and vision starts taking shapes. And after his extreme and enormous efforts SSR College comes into existence. Himself as an acadamcian he realize the strengths of Educationists. Training Teachers and providing the quality educators to the society means providing quality education to crores of students in the country.

Thus SSR College is committed to fulfill the dreams of his founder through transforming the education system and imparting the core values and beliefs in the students.

I wish all the success to the students…wish all their dreams come true.