• J.B.T / D.Ed

      About J.B.T / D.Ed

      The Concept of JBT-Junior Basic Training formerly known as Diploma in Education (D.Ed) in India is a result of the realization that education received at the elementary levels shapes the human personality in one or other ways. Elementary level as we all know is the base level of a student life where he can learn the ABC of life and slowly came to know the world. At this growing stage he needs a mentor who can fill his thrust of knowledge about world and life.

      It is therefore in the interest of the students that they can be taught by trained teachers who can develop the cognitive skills & also take care of the emotional needs of the students. Thus taking these things in consideration  the Junior Basic Training Institutes (JBT) have come up in India mainly to train the teachers who are actively engaged in imparting education to the tender aged children.


      Delivery mode –  Regular
      Duration –2 years
      Eligibility Criteria – Graduation.
      Admission Criteria – Enetrance Test
      Fees –  25,800 per year  [ Note:- Fee structure may vary yearwise as per University guidelines]


Why Study Diploma in Education

There are some important reasons as to why one should opt for D. Ed course.


  • You become efficient in teaching subjects of your specialization on the basis of accepted principles of learning and teaching.
  • The course develops your skills and widens your understanding so that you can impart quality education to your students.
  • The course also teaches you about the attitude and makes you skilled in coming up with innovative teaching techniques.
  • You become more competent in understanding psychological principles of growth and development and individual differences of the students you teach.
  • There is a separate section in this course where you learn to guide the children and counsel them in solving their personal and academic problems.